PostBooks Reading Subscription

 PostBooks is Golden Hare's monthly reading subscription. Sign up for your choice of 3 month to 1 year subscriptions, and each month we'll handpick, wrap and post you new books!

The one thing all of our selections have in common? They are carefully curated by our passionate team to be a fun reminder every month of just why you love books.

Beautifully presented in branded Golden Hare packaging and including a short guide about each book featured, PostBooks makes a lovely gift for the book enthusiast in your life. Please let us know if you would like us to send out a PostBooks postcard in advance of the first instalment, to let the recipient know what they should expect to receive, and when it will arrive. 

You can choose between fiction and non-fiction subscriptions - or a mix of both, if you simply can't decide. We can send you one book each month - or if you read fast, we can send you two. Browse the different options below to find out which suits you best.

Please place your order by the 6th of the month, in order for the first instalment to be sent out in that month. PostBooks subscriptions ordered after the 6th of each month will begin in the following calendar month.

Additionally, as of 1st July 2021, new PostBooks subcriptions will be available for recipients in the UK only. We apologise for any disappointment. This is due to circumstances outwith our control.